Traffic Engineering and Road Safety

How we can help

We have over 150 years of experience in our Traffic Engineering & Road Safety team. Our team has a variety of expertise that include 20mph speed limits, traffic calming, and Traffic Regulation Orders. We have worked on some of the most exciting and innovative casualty reduction schemes across the country that have received national recognition, winning road safety awards, using a variety of innovative measures that set a benchmark for future success.

Our traffic engineering team work in collaboration with our planning teams at all stages of a project lifecycle to ensure proposals and recommendations from studies are robust and deliverable when in the delivery stages.

On average, we deliver in the region of 100 Road Safety Audits each year, ranging from Stage 1 to Stage 4. We also have our bespoke road safety education programme that has been effectively introduced in schools, colleges and universities across the country.

Services &

20mph speed limits and zones

We were involved in the first schemes in the country. We have unquestionable knowledge, experience, and expertise in the planning, design, and delivery of 20mph schemes. Our schemes have seen many benefits including speed reductions, improvements in air quality, and modal shift as roads become safer. Our strategies set a framework for our clients to work towards that safeguard challenges from stakeholders over implementation.

Traffic Calming

Assisting clients deliver a variety of traffic calming schemes from simple site-specific measures to large-scale route treatments over a longer distance. Our proposals seek to improve road safety and reduce traffic speed with minimal impact on the environment. This is achieved through innovative measures that do not always involve physical features that have drawbacks as well as benefits.

Traffic Orders

With a designated Traffic Order team, we can deliver traffic order schemes that include speed limits, waiting restrictions, and more recently supporting clients with Part 6 moving traffic applications. We have successfully delivered over 200 traffic order schemes, with robust scrutiny measures in place to maintain accuracy and avoid subsequent appeals.

Traffic sign and Road Marking Audits

Our team frequently design traffic signage and road markings for projects and undertake audits throughout the country that have highlighted a broad range of issues that are common on public highway including the location of signs, the illumination of signs, and the visibility of road markings all of which have an impact to motorists.

Road Safety Strategies

Our road safety strategies are proven to contribute positively to the reduction of collisions, fatalities and serious injuries. We create our strategies with a clear and ambitious vision, which is supported by various safety interventions, and policies to provide our clients with the most appropriate framework to achieve their goals to make roads as safe as possible for all users.

Road Safety Audits

Our trained auditors undertake stage 1-4 Road Safety Audits on a frequent basis for both public and private sector clients. Our auditors have carried out over 600 Road Safety Audits with a combined experience more than 50 years. The team have audited sites ranging from zebra crossings to multi-million-pound highway schemes and large-scale housing developments.

Pedestrian Crossing Assessments

Undertaking detailed assessments of proposed crossing locations for our clients to establish if they are suitable for delivery and reviewing existing crossings to determine their safety and suitability. We often carry out borough-wide assessments, covering every controlled crossing, identifying improvements to maintain safety at all times.

Road Safety Education

Our team work with local authorities and education establishments on projects, designed to keep children safe on the road. Common projects involve educating children on walking to school, cycling, and active travel. Our project teams prepare programmes for schools to implement, carry out training on active travel, and present workshops in schools.

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